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Overcoming the challenges of change

Updated: Oct 31, 2021

If you feel overwhelmed by change, whether its planning your Childs next daycare, because you moved or a transit detour on your route to your campus. Change can be isolating, infuriating and seemingly impossible to deal with.

When change is rearing its head in a new environment, it can seem even more difficult.

Transitioning to a new environment to modifying new goals and adjusting to a new growth. Change takes commitment and dedication to get through.

The reality is that changing can be difficult when a person doesn't have a understanding to what needs to be changed.

When a person doesn't have the skills or knowledge about changing, its builds up lack of awareness of why that change is actually needed.

it can even be more tough, when you're fully understood by your supporters.

but when change is forced on a person or information that is nontransparent, that challenge gets far greater! the tension is creates can quickly lead to wrong choices and inappropriate behaviors. Less willing to cooperate when their routine is disrupted.

No matter how many strategies you carried out conflict caused by change may still be present and heavy in your new environment. Change is part of growth !

Its allows us to develop into complete individuals and businesses to help or serve more people. As much as we appreciate the growth, knowledge and opportunity that change offers it can still be challenging and scary.

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